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Faith Can Help Negate the Negative Personal Impacts of Serving in Law Enforcement

By: Catherine Walsh (Horizon Project 2022-2023)

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Why is this Important?

The work that law enforcement does to protect us does not come without consequence to them. Their work is often taken for granted and overlooked. No one truly understands what these officers go through to allow us to sleep peacefully and safely in our beds each night. At both the federal and local level, law enforcement workers take on burdens and make sacrifices each and every day. Faith can help negate these impacts, and it is important that there is a strong faith structure for all law enforcement.

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The Numbers Speak for Themselves


of law enforcement struggle with mental illness (USDOJ)

1 in 4

law enforcement officers consider suicide (APOA)


of Americans believe in God/higher power (Saad 2022)

Over 80%

of Americans pray when faced with crisis (GSS)

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“I would say that God may not prevent the calamity, but He gives us strength and the perseverance to overcome it”

Harold S. Kushner (When Bad Things Happen to Good People)

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